The Epitome of Winters- The Woolen Fabrics

With the onset of winters, people start searching for ways to keep themselves warm. There are thousands of ways one keeps warm. The beginning of winter means the beginning of winter fashion. Winter brings with it fashionable jackets, coats, and many more outfits made out of wool by yard. Woolen fabrics are one of the primary sources of saving oneself from the chilly frost biting winters. Throughout our lives, we have been taught that the sheep is the source of wool for woolen fabrics. But the fact is that sheep are not the only source of wool, but other livestock animals like camels, goats, and rabbits are also a good source of pure wool for woolen fabrics. Wool from the livestock is usually extracted by two main methods namely, Shearing, where the hair or the wool of the sheep are sheared only once a year and this is usually done during the springtime. The second one is Grading and sorting wherein, the hair or the fleece or the wool is graded into different types of fiber...